Milk Jug Native Seed Sowing

Staring Lake Outdoor Center 13765 Staring Lake Pkwy, Eden Prairie, MN, United States

Friends of Eden Prairie Parks is looking for volunteers to grow native seedlings this spring that can be planted into the parks in May. Come to our Milk Jug seed sowing event Wednesday, February 19th at 6pm at the Eden Prairie Outdoor Center on Staring Lake. You can bring clean, empty gallon milk jugs and …

Annual Meeting

Eden Prairie City Center 8080 Mitchell Road, Eden Prairie, MN, United States

Please join us for the Friends of Eden Prairie Parks Annual Meeting! FEPP Members will be voting on open Board positions. Membership is open to anyone who has either donated to FEPP through the Eden Prairie Community Foundation or volunteered at least 4 hours of time in 2024. To confirm your membership, please fill out …